NEMS PACE is a health plan and medical team in one. We cover the same benefits as Medicare and Medi-Cal and provide additional services when and where you need them.
What Does NEMS PACE Provide?

At the PACE Center
We bring you to and from the PACE Center so you can meet with your care team, socialize with your peers, and receive services such as:
- Primary Medical Services
- Hot Meals
- Social Activities
- Rehabilitation Services and Exercise
- Social Work / Case Management

In Your Home
We deliver supplies and provide the support approved by your care team, such as:
- Medications and Reminders
- Prepared Meals
- Medical Equipment
- Caregiver and Family Support

In the Community
We coordinate and drive you to your medical appointments, including:
- Health Services like Dental, Podiatry, and Optometry
- Specialty Medical Care
- Scheduled Surgeries and Procedures
- X-Rays
Eligibility & Cost

Who Can Join NEMS PACE?
To become a NEMS PACE participant, you must:
- Be 55 years or older
- Qualify for nursing facility level of care
- Live in the city and county of San Francisco, California
- Be able to live safely in the community with the help of PACE services

How Much Does NEMS PACE Cost?
The cost depends on your Medicare and Medi-Cal eligibility. Please contact us for more information.
NEMS PACE participants must receive all needed health care services, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services), from NEMS PACE or an entity authorized by NEMS PACE. You may be fully and personally liable for the cost of any unauthorized care or care received outside of the NEMS PACE network (except for emergency services).